Pelvic Health

Our pelvic health sessions address pelvic symptoms such as pain, leakage of urine, bowel issues, painful intercourse, and pressure (prolapse).

60-Minute Treatment Sessions may include, but not limited to:

    • Manual therapy
    • Dry needling
    • Spinal manipulation
    • Exercise prescription
    • Personalized home exercise plan

Specializing in Pregnant and Postpartum care.

Whether in-person or virtual, our team provides professional and tailored care throughout the pregnancy and postpartum period. This includes, but is not limited to, labor and delivery prep, c-section recovery, and treatment of diastasis recti. And yes, you can bring your baby along to any appointments!

Disclaimer: While not a requirement to receive care, assessment of your pelvic floor may require an internal exam. Our priority is that your needs and preferences are always be respected. Please discuss this with your provider.

Why should I see a pelvic floor physical therapist?

Pelvic physical therapists specialize in treating both women and men with symptoms or conditions affecting the pelvic region. Common symptoms include pelvic pain, pressure, low back pain, urinary leakage, constipation, or painful intercourse. This includes women who are pregnant or postpartum. These evaluations and treatments sessions can be completed in-person or virtual.

How do I know if I should see pelvic floor or orthopedic physical therapy?

If you are unsure, we’d love for you to schedule a free discovery call and we can help guide you. Our pelvic floor physical therapists are also trained orthopedic physical therapists so they will be able to evaluate you based on a thorough history of your symptoms.

When should I see a pelvic floor physical therapist postpartum?

We begin to see our clients as soon as 2-4 weeks postpartum. However, we can see you at any point in your postpartum journey, whether weeks, months or years, to address and improve your symptoms.

Can I exercise while pregnant?

Yes. Exercise, including strength training, weight lifting, and cardio are safe and beneficial while pregnant. This includes many forms of exercise such as CrossFit, boot camps and running. We offer both in-person personal training and remote programming directly to an app on your phone to guide you in this journey.

How do I return to exercise postpartum?

We begin to work with women as early as 2-4 weeks postpartum either in-person or virtual. Many women prefer remote programming in the early weeks postpartum, where one of our women’s health specialists will create a personalized plan for you. This allows you to exercise at home as your schedule allows, and may include exercises such as breath control, pelvic floor activation and light midline strengthening.

Schedule a session.

Physical Therapy

An individualized session to evaluate and assess your pain and create a personalized treatment plan.

Personalized Programming

Individualized programming created and progressed just for you and your goals.

Personal Training

An individualized session using strength and conditioning principles to progress you toward your fitness goals.

Contact Us


(414) 768-2504



2715 S Gladstone Pl. Suite C
Milwaukee, WI 53207